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pack plane造句

"pack plane"是什么意思  
  • The diffusion welding behavior of single - crystalline cu to single - crystalline - aio with a nb film interlayer and the joint microstructure properties were studied by tem , sem / eds analyses and four - point bend testing . the nb film interlayer deposited by electron beam evaporation on the ceramic side prior to diffusion welding was found to be olycrytalline and fiber - textured after diffusion bonding , with the close - packed plane ( 110 ) being parallel to the ( 0001 ) basal plane of - aio
  • It's difficult to see pack plane in a sentence. 用pack plane造句挺难的
如何用pack plane造句,用pack plane造句pack plane in a sentence, 用pack plane造句和pack plane的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。